Has Beans- Business Celebration

For Immediate Release

Has Beans are Percolating in Burlington Junction,MO

Burlington Junction MO –

Collette Parry, Eliana Roshel and Dean Kelly are starting a new business called “Has Beans. “ They offer drive through hot and cold beverages and a selection of home baked goods. Their signature ‘Sweetwater’ organic coffee is presented in a variety of ways: traditional espresso (decaffeinated also available), flavored lattes, as a premium filter coffee and as a delicious cold brew. They also have Chai tea, speciality teas and herbal teas.

Features that make their business unique compared to other area drive-throughs is that they are not a chain and that their baked goods are unique to their business. Collette Parry says, “Our coffee is organic, and ethically sourced. Our cups are biodegradable/compostable. We want our customers to truly enjoy our products.”

When asked what made the partners decide to become entrepreneurs, Collette replied, “Necessity. We are all very independent and motivated people. Dean and I have been ‘entrepreneurs’ for most of our working lives. In this instance, Covid 19 has impacted our bed and breakfast business. We wanted to reduce our level of direct contact with the public, but we still needed to earn a living. Eliana and her daughter have relocated here from New York, again because of the impact of Covid 19 on their lives.”

They say that their biggest struggle in starting this new business has been their rural location. It is difficult to find suppliers and get deliveries. This means they must purchase everything ahead of time online because what they need is not available locally.

Their vision for the future is that their coffee stand is successful and becomes a valued business in their community for many years to come. Collette says, “We hope that the City of Burlington Junction thrives and that more new businesses can succeed in small communities like ours.”

The entrepreneurs appreciate the assistance of Keli Morris, NWMEF Facilitator. “They have given us some really useful contacts as well as some excellent advertising pointers.” For other entrepreneurs dreaming about starting their own businesses, they say: “Have enough savings to keep your head above water for longer than you think. While you are busy setting up your new business your domestic financial requirements are not put on hold. Budget carefully, then add another 50%. It always costs so much more to set up a new business than you initially calculate. Have patience. Keep the faith. If it was a great idea before you started then have faith in yourself to make it happen.”

Northwest Missouri Enterprise Facilitation and the Maryville Chamber of Commerce are hosting a business celebration to welcome Has Beans on Wednesday, November 11th at 4:00 PM. Has Beans is located at 122 N. Clarinda St., Burlington Junction, Missouri 64428 and the business phone is 660-725-4445.

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